

Unshaken Message, Reimagined Future — Where the eternal truth of the Gospel meets a bold, renewed vision, sparking passion for Christ in the leaders of today and the generations to come.

We create church brands that accelerate growth, connect with people, and move the vision forward.

This 4-phase approach takes your church from the initial phase of analysis and vision casting to a final phase where it actively engages your local community with cutting-edge tools.

Analysis, Culture Temperature, and Vision Development​


The first phase involves analyzing the church’s current state, understanding its culture, and assessing the internal and external landscape. This includes taking the “temperature” of the congregation, staff, and leadership to determine morale, strengths, and areas for improvement. After gathering insights, the vision is developed collaboratively and disseminated among leadership and staff.

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Transparency: Involving leadership & staff from the start to ensure alignment

Engagement: Building buy-in by listening to the community & fostering a culture of open communication

Focus: Defining a clear & compelling vision based on thorough analysis


  • SOAR Analysis: Utilize SOAR to identify strengths, opportunities, aspirations, and measurable results.
  • SWOT Analysis: Complement SOAR by identifying weaknesses and threats.
  • Culture Surveys: Conduct internal surveys for staff, volunteers, and the congregation to assess morale and engagement.
  • Leadership and Staff Interviews: Hold one-on-one or small group interviews with key leaders to gather qualitative insights.
  • Vision and Mission Workshops: Host collaborative workshops to define the vision based on the data gathered from the analysis.
  • StoryBrand Framework: Use StoryBrand to clarify church messaging in the context of the new vision.

Vision Dissemination, Defining Events, and Strategic Planning​


In this phase, the newly defined vision is communicated throughout the church. Leadership and staff are empowered to live out this vision in their roles, and specific events are defined that align with the church’s strategic goals. This phase also includes the creation of a Master Strategic Calendar, which will outline all key events, programs, and ministry efforts for the next 12–24 months.


Alignment: Ensuring everyone is on the same page & knows their role in fulfilling the church’s vision

Consistency: Establishing regular communication touchpoints to keep the vision front & center

Intentionality: Creating a calendar & events that have a clear purpose & are tied to strategic goals


  • Vision Communication Plan: Develop a structured internal communication plan that includes vision presentations, staff meetings, and congregation briefings.
  • Team RACI Matrix: Use a RACI matrix to clarify who is responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed for each event or initiative.
  • Strategic Event Planning: Identify the critical events annually that drive the church’s mission and engage the local community. Define roles, budgets, and marketing strategies for each event.
  • Master Strategic Calendar: Create a Master Strategic Calendar that includes crucial events, ministry efforts, outreach programs, and internal planning sessions.
  • SMART Goals: Define SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals for each event and strategic priority.

Branding, Solidifying Identity, and Developing Online Presence​


The first phase involves analyzing the church’s current state, understanding its culture, and assessing the internal and external landscape. This includes taking the “temperature” of the congregation, staff, and leadership to determine morale, strengths, and areas for improvement. After gathering insights, the vision is developed collaboratively and disseminated among leadership and staff.

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Authenticity: Ensuring that the brand reflects the true heart & mission of the church

Excellence: Presenting the church in a way that resonates & inspires trust, both online & offline

Engagement: Creating a brand that speaks to the needs & values of the community, encouraging participation & connection


  • Branding Workshops: Host a branding workshop with key leaders and stakeholders to define or refine the church’s visual identity, including logos, colors, fonts, and voice.
  • Brand Guidelines: Create a brand guidebook that outlines how the brand should be used across all media and communication.
  • Website Design and Development: Develop a modern, user-friendly website that clearly communicates the church’s mission, vision, and programs. Ensure it is mobile-responsive and optimized for SEO.
  • StoryBrand Implementation: Use StoryBrand to create a clear and compelling homepage and messaging throughout the website.
  • Social Media Strategy: Develop a content calendar and strategy for platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Create engaging posts that reflect the church’s brand and encourage interaction.
  • Online Giving Integration: Set up easy-to-use online giving platforms on the church’s website to allow members to contribute digitally.

Branding, Solidifying Identity, and Developing Online Presence​


In this final phase, the church implements advanced strategies for engaging the local community and tracking interactions with visitors. This phase includes the integration of digital marketing tools like SMS, Meta (Facebook), and big data to attract new visitors, track their engagement, and follow up effectively. The aim is to use data-driven strategies to communicate better with both existing members and new visitors, ensuring that every guest feels welcomed and connected.

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Outreach: Extending the church’s reach beyond its walls & building connections in the community

Data-Driven: Using real data to guide outreach & follow-up efforts, ensuring effectiveness

Personalization: Creating a seamless experience for first-time visitors, from invitation to follow-up


  • SMS Campaigns: Launch SMS campaigns to share important updates, events, and invitations with current members and the local community.
  • Meta (Facebook/Instagram) Ads: Run targeted ad campaigns on Facebook and Instagram to reach specific demographics and invite people to services, events, or special programs.
  • Big Data Integration: Leverage tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, or Clearstream to track website and social media engagement, using data to guide outreach efforts.
  • First-Time Visitor Tracking: Utilize platforms like Planning Center or Breeze to track new visitors, follow up with personalized messages, and invite them to future events.
  • Digital Marketing Funnel: Create a funnel that moves people from awareness (via social media and ads) to first-time attendance and ongoing engagement through follow-ups and small groups.

How we
work with

Fractional Executive Creative Pastor​


This service provides senior-level leadership to direct and align your creative and communication efforts with the church’s vision and message. It’s perfect if you already have a design and communications team but need a strategic leader to connect them all.

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Brand Development & Management:

  • Define and solidify the church’s brand and messaging.
  • Maintain consistency across all communication channels.

Vision & Mission Alignment:

  • Align the creative and communication efforts with the pastor’s vision.
  • Help interpret and communicate the church’s mission through visuals, design, and messaging.

Art Direction:

  • Oversee the design and creative output to ensure it aligns with the overall vision.
  • Review and provide feedback on all creative materials (sermon graphics, event promotions, etc.).


Content Strategy:

  • Develop content calendars for sermons, events, and ministries.
  • Guide how content is produced, ensuring clarity and alignment with the church’s goals.

Leadership Collaboration:

  • Work closely with the pastor and leadership to integrate the church’s mission into all aspects of communication.
  • Provide ongoing creative strategy and leadership to the design and communications team.

Creative Campaigns:

  • Develop strategies for large church events, outreach, or capital campaigns.
  • Create cohesive messaging and design for campaigns, ensuring they reflect the church’s heart and mission.


  • Meet with leadership to define church vision and goals.
  • Conduct a brand audit to assess current messaging and visuals.
  • Develop a roadmap for aligning creative efforts with the church’s mission.
  • Regular strategy and review meetings to ensure ongoing alignment.

Fractional Creative Team


In addition to the Executive Creative Pastor, this service offers a full creative team—designers, media creators, and communicators—to help execute your church’s messaging with excellence.

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Graphic Design:
Create visual assets for sermon series, events, and church programs.
Design promotional materials such as flyers, banners, and signage.

Video Production (limitations apply):
Produce video content for sermon recaps, promotional videos, or event highlights.
Record and edit testimonies, pastor announcements, and ministry updates.

Social Media Management:
Design and manage content for Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Develop and execute a social media strategy that aligns with the church’s vision.

Website Design & Maintenance:
Update or redesign the church website to reflect the latest events, sermons, and campaigns.
Ensure the website is user-friendly, mobile-responsive, and SEO-optimized.

SMS & Email Campaigns:
Design and email (or message) promotions to keep the congregation informed of events, initiatives, and sermons.
Segment email lists for targeted messaging (new visitors, volunteers, etc.).

Content Creation & Copywriting:
Develop clear, engaging content for web pages, social media, and print materials.
Write sermon series descriptions, event promotions, and ministry content.

Branding and Visual Consistency:
Ensure all materials adhere to the church’s branding guidelines, maintaining a cohesive look and feel across all platforms.

A kickoff meeting will be held to define creative goals and vision.
Regular touchpoints to review progress and maintain alignment.
Collaborative work sessions to execute high-quality creative materials.

Project-Based Services


This option allows churches with specific, one-off needs, such as rebranding, launching a new website, or organizing a capital campaign, to contract specific services without ongoing commitments.

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Custom Graphic Design Services

Video Production

Website Redesign/Development

Social Media Creative Packages

Capital Campaigns

Signage & Lobby Design

Signage for Special Events

Launch a New Campus

Outreach Campaigns

Define the scope of the project and set clear goals.
Detailed project planning, timelines, and milestones.
Execution and delivery of high-quality results with regular progress updates.

Customization: Whether you need full-scale strategic support or just specific creative help, each service is designed to meet your church where it is.

Partnership: We work alongside your team, helping you achieve your vision while staying true to your message and values.

Excellence: We bring expertise in creative direction, communication, and execution, ensuring everything reflects the high standards your church deserves.

With these options, you can choose the level of support you need—whether it’s a fractional executive pastor for strategic direction, a full creative team to handle the work, ongoing support through a retainer, or project-based help for specific needs. Whatever the scope, we ensure your message, brand, and creative work are always aligned with your church’s mission.




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City Hope Church

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